Setting up Ether on my VPS

Installation steps:

jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ sudo apt-get update
jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ sudo apt-get install ethereum

Get a new account with:

jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ geth account new
jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ geth account list

Start a screen and start mining:

jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ geth --mine

To connect to this session and check your balance:

jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ geth attach
jitsejan@jjschi2:~$ > eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])

I am not sure if my slow VPS will ever successfully mine any Ether, but since I want to know the basics of Ether, this is a good starting point.